Fun and Weird Facts About The Human Body

The human body is very unique. Sometimes we ourselves, as human beings, do not know about the existence of interesting facts about our bodies. The mystery of our body also occurs because it is a form of life that is able to adapt to the ever-changing environment. Here are some of the fun and weird facts about human body.

1. You tend to blink your eyes about 20 times a minute, which equals ten million times a year.

2. While your height stops growing after one hits puberty, your ears and nose are constantly lengthening, and gravity is to blame for this phenomenon.

3. Our cornea, the transparent front part of the eyes, doesn!t get any blood supply and receives oxygen directly from the air!

4. Did you know? A weird fact about the human body is that it consists of so much fat that it can make up to seven bars of soap.

5. Once the oxygen supply is cut off, a human brain can survive up to three to six minutes.

6. Humans develop fingertips from the time they were embryos, only three months after they are conceived. This means that just after the first trimester, the baby has fully developed fingertips.

7. When a human blushes, they feel it in the lining of the stomach too as it also turns red.

8. A weird fact about height is that when in space, astronauts can grow almost up to two inches.

9.There are tumors known as teratomas, which can grow their own teeth and hair.

10. Your heart can sync to the rhythm when you listen to music.


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11. Throughout their lifespan, humans go from having 300 bones to 206 bones.

12. A human heart can beat outside the body as well.

13. All humans are born with a diving reflex, which can shut bodily functions. This gets activated when one drowns or is submerged in the water.

14. Humans can glow in the dark, however, they are too weak for the human eye to detect.

15. The human body consists of organs in a singular count and pairs. However, the organs that are present in pairs, you only need one to survive.

16. When your body experiences extreme starvation, there are chances that your brain will start to eat itself.

17. Your small intestine is taller than you and measures about 23 feet.

18. One-fourth of the bones in a human body are in the feet.

19. When you calculate all the blood vessels in the human body, there are more than 100,00 miles of blood vessels present.

20. If you were to check your height, you are taller in the morning compared to night.


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21. Did you know? You will not be able to breathe and swallow at the same time.

22. Your right kidney is placed slightly lower than your left one.

23. If you have heard about the term "pregnancy brain,! know that it is completely real and not something that!s made up where a woman!s brain slightly shrinks.

24. Ever wondered what the size of the brain is? If you smoothened out all the wrinkles, your brain would look flat like a pillowcase.

25. The acid that!s generated in your stomach aka the stomach acid is so strong that it can even dissolve metal. So, it can even burn your skin!


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26.Just like fingerprints, humans also possess a unique tongue print.

27. Another weird fact about the human body is that we humans shed about 600,000 skin particles every hour.

28. The human body is made of a trillion cells. And if there is a mutation in any of the cells, it can uncontrollably come together to form cancer. And when each cell is divided so many times with each one having almost 30,000 genes, there are chances that you might have fought cancer at one point.

29. Did you know? Babies only blink once or twice in a minute while an adult blinks at least 10 times in the same time.

30. In a lifetime, a human produces 25,000 quarts of saliva, which is enough to fill almost two swimming pools.

31. Taking supplements leads to an increased level of total nutrient intake. Dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and enzymes. Common dietary supplements include Vitamin C, calcium, fish oil, and vitamin D.


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